Bleating babies

This is the scene I walked past today on my 30 minute walk to the nearby medical school where I was meeting with some people.  The sheep were bleating more loudly than usual, and I looked at them as I walked past, wondering what was going on.  Then I spotted two small ones…  yes folks, baby lambs.  Turns out they cry a bit more than the adult lambs.  Who knew?  One of the babies was bleating very loudly, repetitively, and annoyingly, and each call was answered by the sound of another sheep, which I discovered to be its mother as they took steps toward each other during the communication process.  It was a really touching scene actually.  So much symbolism can be drawn from this, but for now, I’ll just say it was cute.  And not nearly as annoying as it had been a few bleats before I saw this happening.

2013-03-26 13.59.39

And in case you’re wondering, the white stuff in the photo is snow, still around on March 26.  By the end of the day, almost all of it had melted.  Spring will come one day.  But today was not that day.

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